Archived News

May 19, 2024:
Presented a paper "Conning the crypto conman" at IEEE S&P

Apr 30, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at Texas A&M

Apr 10, 2024:
Invited Victor Le Pochat from KU Leuven to research talk at CISPA

Feb 24, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at University of New Mexico

Feb 08, 2024:
C-Frame paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Dec 09, 2023:
Conning the Crypto conman paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Nov 26, 2023:
Attending ACM CCS'23 , Copenhagen, Denmark

Nov 07, 2023:
Invited to research talk at Tulane University

Aug 11, 2023:
Attending USENIX Security'23 , Anaheim, CA

Mar 01, 2023:
Starting as a postdoc at CISPA at Professor Thorsten Holz's Lab

Feb 24, 2023:
Invited to talk at CalState LA, Los Angeles, LA

Nov 09, 2022:
PhD Defense Completed

Aug 11, 2021:
PhishPrint paper zoom based presentation at USENIX

Jun 29, 2022:
Presenting paper at DIMVA, Cagliari, Italy

Aug 15, 2018:
Joining as PhD student at Dr. Vadrevu's Lab at UNO

Jan 15, 2018:
Joining as Master's student at UNO