CISPA Hemlholtz for Info. Sec.
Stuhlsatzenhaus 5
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany


May 19, 2024:
Presented a paper "Conning the crypto conman" at IEEE S&P

Apr 30, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at Texas A&M

Apr 10, 2024:
Invited Victor Le Pochat from KU Leuven to research talk at CISPA

Feb 24, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at University of New Mexico

Feb 08, 2024:
C-Frame paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Dec 09, 2023:
Conning the Crypto conman paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Nov 26, 2023:
Attending ACM CCS'23 , Copenhagen, Denmark

Nov 07, 2023:
Invited to research talk at Tulane University

See archived news

Students Research and Mentoring

As a postdoctoral researcher at CISPA, I am grateful for the chance to supervise/mentor over 10 students in their Master's and Bachelor's thesis projects. These research initiatives are centered around investigating the realms of phishing, scams, and prevalent abuses in real-world scenarios. We often submit the research work to flagship conferences: IEEE S&P , USENIX Security , ACM CCS, and NDSS. Below, you'll find a list of both current and alumni students whom I've had the honor of guiding through their individual thesis projects.

Graduate Thesis Students

  • Mario Beluri (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Buy and Sale of Social Media Profiles

  • Lie Su Chung (2024 - present )

    Thesis Research: Prevalence of Malicious Intent API Services

  • Sagar Kishore (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Social Engineering Attacks on Academic Institutions

  • Amala Agustine (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Abuse Study in Dating Apps

  • Abdullah Alfurjani (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Fingerprinting Independence Measure

  • Dominik Sautter (alumni, 2023-2024)**

    Thesis Research: Technical Support Scam and Account Recovery on Social Media

Undergraduate Thesis Students

  • Ady Elouej (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Follow bait Targeting Scammers to Influencer Accounts

  • Andreas Phillip Emanuel Brix (2024 - present)

    Thesis Research: Scamming the Scammers: Buy and Sale of Scam Courses

  • Laura Thineta Mulia (alumni, 2023-2024)** --> LG Software Engineer Intern

    Thesis Research: Prevalence of Fake Crytpocurrency Wallets

  • Christoph Petersen (2024 - present )

    Thesis Research: Monitoring Stolen Data and Fraud Patterns in Telegram

  • Louai Alkhatib (2024 - present )

    Thesis Research: Hall of Fame: Measuring Vulnerability Disclosures by Bug Bounty Hunters

P.S. ** represents successfully defended thesis, and graduated students.