CISPA Hemlholtz for Info. Sec.
Stuhlsatzenhaus 5
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany


Dec 06, 2024:
Online Guest Speaker, Presented Talk on "Challenges and Methodologies: Empirical Study of Scams and Attacks on Social Media Platforms" at MIT (CAMS)

Sep 26, 2024:
In-person Guest Speaker, Presented Talk on "Empirical Study of Scams and Attacks on Social Media Platforms through AI-Powered Automated Engagement" at e-Crime

Aug 15, 2024:
Presented a paper "Brand Impersonation Attack" at USENIX Security

May 19, 2024:
Presented a paper "Conning the crypto conman" at IEEE S&P

Apr 30, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at Texas A&M

Apr 10, 2024:
Invited Victor Le Pochat from KU Leuven to research talk at CISPA

Feb 24, 2024:
Invited to online research talk at University of New Mexico

Feb 08, 2024:
C-Frame paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Dec 09, 2023:
Conning the Crypto conman paper accepted to IEEE S&P

Nov 26, 2023:
Attending ACM CCS'23 , Copenhagen, Denmark

Nov 07, 2023:
Invited to research talk at Tulane University

See archived news


Short Bio. I am a postdoctoral researcher at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security (March 2023 - present). I work with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz at SysSec Lab . I completed my Ph.D. from the University of New Orleans under the supervision of Dr. Phani Vadrevu. My Ph.D. (Jan 2018- Dec 2022) work primarily focused on areas of Phishing, Web Security Crawlers, Browser Fingerprinting, and building tools for large-scale measurement using honeypots. Before academia, I worked several years in multiple industries including Amazon, Microsoft performing software development and assurances. I often collaborate with researchers from diverse institutes, and fortunate to supervise 15+ students (mostly thesis) at SysSec Lab.

Current Focus. As a postdoctoral researcher, my work centers on exploring various aspects of Internet cybercrimes, including phishing, scams, illicit activities, money laundering, and online abuse. My primary objective is to develop effective defense mechanisms against these threats. My current research spans the following areas: -

i) Creating proactive mechanisms to detect and prevent emerging threats and cybercrimes on the Internet
ii) Exploring the detailed operations of illicit campaigns, including cryptocurrency and money laundering
iii) Detecting fraudulent social media profiles and web domains targeting users in different attack scenarios
iv) Conducting large-scale web measurements at the intersection of privacy and security to identify risks to users and platforms

Applied Research. I often engage in collaborations with industry leaders such as PayPal Inc., Chainabuse (cryptocurrency abuse database), X (formerly know as Twitter), and others. These partnerships facilitate the reporting of identified abusing payment profiles, accounts and the associated fraudulent elements, aiming to prevent any subsequent misuse or future attacks in the broader digital landscape.

Selected Publications as First Author

Here are a few selected publications where I am the first author, featured in several esteemed venues. For the complete list of my publications, please refer to publications page.

  • Pirates of Charity: Exploring Donation-based Abuses in Social Media Platforms
    Bhupendra Acharya, Dario Lazzaro, Antonio Emanuele Cinà, Thorsten Holz
    Proceedings of ACM World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2025
    Sydney, Australia, 2025.
    Acceptance Rate: 409/2062 (19.83%)

  • The Imitation Game: Exploring Brand Impersonation Attacks on Social Media Platforms
    Bhupendra Acharya, Dario Lazzaro, Efren Lopez Morales, Adam Oest, Muhammad Saad,
    Antonio Emanuele Cinà, Lea Schönherr, Thorsten Holz
    Proceedings of The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)
    Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2024.

  • Conning the Crypto Conman: End-to-End Analysis of Cryptocurrency-based Technical Support Scams
    Bhupendra Acharya, Muhammad Saad, Antonio Emanuele Cinà, Lea Schönherr, Hoang Dai Nguyen, Adam Oest, Phani Vadrevu, Thorsten Holz
    Proceedings of The 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P)
    San Francisco, CA, May 2024.

  • A Human in Every APE: Delineating and Evaluating the Human Analysis Systems of Anti-Phishing Entities
    Bhupendra Acharya, Phani Vadrevu
    Proceedings of The 19th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA)
    Cagliari, Italy, Jun 29-Jul 1, 2022

  • PhishPrint:Evading Phishing Detection Crawlers by Prior Profiling
    Bhupendra Acharya, Phani Vadrevu
    Proceedings of The 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)
    Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug 11-13, 2021

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